It’s time for the Khans of Tarkir set review, and while the cast is short a man, it’s long on enthusiasm. Despite the certainty that most of the rares will end up bulk and Khans will be the most-opened set in Magic‘s history, the gang can’t seem to agree on which cards will be bulk. Everything seems playable, but will it be? What card do Jason and Marcel disagree on so much that a Fogo bet is instituted? Who thinks Commander is receiving a lot of gas? Who has been hard at work testing on Beta and finding playable gems? Who hates most of the set? Who had technical difficulties and spends the episode benched? Find out the answer to all of these questions and more on an extra-long set-review episode that will have you scared to pre-order anything, and that’s the way it should be. Join us for Brainstorm Brewery.

  • It’s all set review all the time. No time for anything else.
  • Questions? Concerns? Want to become a BSB writer? E-mail brainstormbrew at gmail dot com.


Cabe Riseau produced the intro and outro music for Brainstorm Brewery.

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@BrainstormBrew     -     Email     -     Podcasts The original Magic: The Gathering podcast all about MTG finance.

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