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Modern is Free Again | Brainstorm Brewery #629 | Magic Finance

Corbin (@Chosler), Cass (@devotedDruid), and DJ (@CardgardenMTG) are going to take you on a wild ride of Modern bans and unbans, Milk Finance and more! Check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. 

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A Beaver, Cat, and Hippo | Brainstorm Brewery #607 | Magic Finance

DJ (@CardgardenMTG), Cass  (@devotedDruid), and Jason (@jasonEAlt) talk about what bloomburrow creatures each of them are, Foundations, and more Check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. 

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I’ve Trained My Body | Brainstorm Brewery #498 | Magic Finance

Corbin (@CHosler), DJ (@Rose0fThorns). and NASCAR expert Jason (@jasonEalt) talk about when cards prices bottom, new in-person events not looking good and Jason’s secret expertise. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. 04:37 When do card prices stabilize? 13:57 Breaking Bulk 52:42 Pick of the Week…

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Deep in the Levine Trench | Brainstorm Brewery #405 | Magic Finance

Jason (@jasonEalt) Corbin (@CHosler) and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) bring on judge extraordinaire Eric Levine (@PixelCrimesLive / @RagingLevine) famed creator of the Levine Trench to chat about all things magic and Wizards of the Coast’s latest purchase. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. 07:09 Sudden Substitution – Finale…

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The 3 Sea Shell Trick | Brainstorm Brewery #384 | Magic Finance

COVID-19 might be might have us all pulling out our hair trapped inside but Jason (@jasonEalt) Corbin (@CHosler88) and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) are here to break up the repetition of social distancing with some laughs and magic news.  Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. 04:46 Corbin Story…

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Brainstorm Brewery #358 Throne of Eldraine Set Review

Corbin (@CHosler88) is back with DJ (@Rose0fThorns) and Jason (@jasonEalt) and MtG Pro Shaheen Soorani (@ShaheenMtg) to detail Magic’s latest adventure, Throne of Eldraine. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. Be sure to check our sponsor for all your MTG article news and singles.  Support…

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Brainstorm Brewery #346 Corbin’s Delusion

Corbin (@CHosler88) is finally back with DJ (@Rose0fThorns) and Jason (@jasonEalt) as they tackle the new M20 format and get you ready for Prerelease weekend.  Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. 00:58 Shatter Corbin’s Delusions 07:44 TeeSpring with new logo 09:11 Breaking Bulk 27:42 M20…

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Brainstorm Brewery #338 Rising Stock

Corbin (@CHosler88) is finally back from the UK’s Mexico and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) and Jason (@jasonEalt) surprised him with the gift of special guest Arjen Brandenburgh of (@MTGStocks) to talk about MTGstocks, Mythic Editions, and the new hotness in Modern. Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video.…

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Brewing with Kaladesh

Welcome back for Brewing with Kaladesh. First off I apologize for missing Brewing with Eldritch Moon, but I was in the process of moving and did not have the time. I’ve brought you thirty decks today, that should show off a vast array of options for the new Standard format without Collected Company. I’ve only…

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Changing Tides

This piece was written by a guest writer, Jeremy Aaranson. Hey Guys! Due to school and work, I wasn’t able to write this article until a week after the GP ended. Hopefully, this still contains some financially relevant information. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, or let me know on twitter @xemitsellsmagic…

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Fighting Back Against Persecution in Magic

This is a guest post from Mark Nestico Jr. and was not written by Denis Stranjak. While the subject of this article is a little different than the usual fare you’ll find on Brainstorm Brewery, we believe this is a subject that is vitally important to the Magic community at-large, and we want to thank Mark…

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Bad Commanders, Great Names

When it comes to choosing a general in EDH, you’ve got a lot of great legendary creatures to choose from. Budget or no, there are plenty of high powered, ready to kill, commanders that can have innovative and solid strategies built around them. There are also a lot of bad commanders and a quick look…

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Brewing With Shadows over Innistrad

Welcome back for Brewing With Shadows over Innistrad, and a new world order for Standard. With this latest set Standard is now a three block format that currently consists of Dragons of Tarkir, Magic Origins, Battle for Zendikar, Oath of the Gatewatch, and Shadows over Innistrad. This is a super exiting time, because screw [card]Siege…

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Ruric Thar Brings It Back To Reality

Sometimes, when things get a bit too ridiculous, a bit too unfair, one needs a return to the basics. A simpler time. A time when we just played sweet creatures and theme decks, with no wrath effects or busted artifacts. [card]Shivan Dragon[/card]s and [card]Craw Wurm[/card]s everywhere. Well, not for me, I played [card]Hamletback Goliath[/card] and…

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Otherworldly Journey – MTG in the Middle Kingdom

The great Chinese philosopher Laozi once said: “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” and true now as it was then my [card]Otherworldly Journey[/card] into the MTG scene in Asia started with a chance encounter with the greatest game ever made. I boarded the cardboard crack train like many others.  With the…

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Mono Brew #2 – Ignoring Reality

It’s been a few months since the first edition of Mono Brew, which I ended with the promise that my next article would be a primer on my Modern pet deck, “Bringing Gifts” (five color [card]Gifts Ungiven[/card] with [card]Bring to Light[/card]). Much has changed in the world of Magic since then, as the release of Oath of the Gatewatch turned Modern season into “Eldrazi Winter”. I’m sure that most of…

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Deepfathom Skulker’s Potential in Commander

This is the second article in my series about cheaper alternatives to more expensive cards. First, I want to write a little bit about some of the feedback I got on my pilot article, which received some helpful critique, specifically on the title of the article: Is Stoneforge Mystic Really that Good? Many people disliked…

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The Hero, The Saint, The Chieftain & The Interview

(Spoilers: There’s no heroes or saints here. It’s just based off a great song.) Welcome, dear readers, to the first of my interview articles. I promised in my first article that as this column goes on, you will begin to meet more and more of the diverse cast of characters that makes up my weekly…

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The Grandest Truths: An Origin Story

In the beginning, there was Jesus. Adrian De Jesus. Adrian is a friend of mine, who I first met towards the end of my freshman year of university. He’s been a pretty influential figure in my Magic life, having been the one who first introduced me to the Commander format. When we first met, I…

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Lena Dunham and the Nude Goats of EDH!

So there’s a Magic: The Gathering Movie in the works and everyone from pros, to casuals, former players to current ones and even WOTC employees and the artists are all thinking the same thing: CASTING. Who will play Jace? Who will play Karn? Who will play Fblthp? (My votes on these go: Joseph Gordo-Levitt –…

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Kozilek and the Four Es of Running a Commander Night

Life is hectic. Our schedules are conflicting. We can never seem to find the time to get a group together for a game. Many people have trouble trying to get games together, or are forced into Commander nights at local game stores (LGSs) that can often involve griefing or gaming whatever prize support system is…

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Nothing but Value: An Introduction to Ephara, God of the Polis

I’ve been struggling to put words on the page. For years now, I’ve been wanting, nay, dreaming of being a Magic writer. Until now, I’d not found a topic I’ve really wanted to write about. Due to ever-tightening life constraints, I’ve been forced from grinding 4 local tournaments and a PPTQ or an SCG Open…

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Why Linear Decks are Not a Bad Thing.

Splinter Twin got banned, Summer Bloom got banned, players raged at the world, at their family, at their lives, but mostly they just raged. I feel it was a net positive for the Modern format to grow and adapt. I think unbans should have occurred with [card]Bloodbraid Elf[/card] and [card]Ancestral Visions[/card] but thats not what…

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Is Stoneforge Mystic Really That Good?

Let’s face it. Commander can be expensive. Though commander is a casual format, it is becoming harder and harder to build a good commander deck without draining your wallet. As much as we want to, we don’t have unlimited amounts of money. There are often cards that would make your deck really powerful, but are on the other…

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Unified Theory of Commander: Synergy

Repeat after me: “Synergy is not the same thing as having a game plan.” No. No. Don’t just read it. Say it out loud with me. For real. Let’s say it again: “Synergy is not the same thing as having a game plan.” Good! Now that we’ve got that in your head, we can really…

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