Corbin’s back, and he shows no signs of having any willingness to listen to last week’s episode. He still has time to use the code word (cricket) and not lose the bet, but we sure would love it if no one told him. He can almost be forgiven for his absence last week, as he comes correct with tales of coverage at the Pro Tour in Hawaii, a Pick of the Week, and his general tendency to fill dead spaces. In fact, every cast member brings his A game this week and delves into some important finance topics and discusses some of the goings on in the community at large. This cast will be more fun than being on the giving end of a fourteen-minute Jeskai Ascendancy combo turn. Who eats some crow about bad calls during the set review? Who has his Pick of the Week sniped? Who listens to Eminem with a regularity that would embarrass most people? Find out the answer to all of these questions and more on a very special episode of your favorite podcast that will leave you asking, “What does cricket mean?” Join us for Brainstorm Brewery.
- After a few false starts, Finance 101 is launched into early.
- Listener e-mails double-dip, knocking out a few letters from a dedicated fan.
- Does Alex Bertoncini have competition in the Biggest Cheater Ever race?
- Do we really want Ryan to talk about deck-brewing? (No.)
- Corbin steals Jason’s Pick of the Week—not cool.
- Questions? Concerns? E-mail brainstormbrew at gmail dot com.
Cabe Riseau produced the intro and outro music for Brainstorm Brewery.
Contact Us!
Brainstorm Brewery – Website – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook
Ryan Bushard – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook
Corbin Hosler – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook – QuietSpeculation
Jason E Alt – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook – QuietSpeculation