You’re not hearing things; Brainstorm Brewery has been invaded! Determined to bend the universe to his will in the interest of making his own life easier, Jason records Money Draught and Brainstorm Brewery back to back this week and brings JR (@Time_Elemental) and Slick Jagger (@Slickjagger) with him. Two’s company, but five’s a crowd as Marcel ducks out to do grownup-people stuff. With no one to drive the train, does the gang go off the rails or are you in for a podcast meet-up that is greater than the sum of its parts? Can’t it be both?
With Slick keeping the gang on track and JR offering his trademark finance insights, this could be the best Brainstorm Brewery to date. The list of guests who have been back on the cast more than once is a short one. So who ends up driving the train? Who has the most controversial Pick of the Week? Who dozes off? Find out the answer to all of these questions and more on an episode that will have you asking, “Why haven’t I been checking prices on MTGGoldfish?” Join us for Brainstorm Brewery.
- Guestravaganza! Money Draught millionaires Slick Jagger (@slickjagger) and JR (@Time_Elemental) join their cohost Jason and invade the BSB!
- Finance 101 comes naturally this week.
- Slick tries to derail the cast with questions and ends up accidentally adding value.
- Listener e-mails are insightful as ever.
- Questions? Concerns? E-mail brainstormbrew at gmail dot com.
Cabe Riseau produced the intro and outro music for Brainstorm Brewery.
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Brainstorm Brewery – Website – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook
Ryan Bushard – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook
Corbin Hosler – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook – QuietSpeculation
Jason E Alt – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook – QuietSpeculation