It’s a dangerous world out there. People set up all sorts of shady scams to rob or murder people who are attracted to Craigslist deals. You might think we’d offer you advice on how not to get murdered by people like that, but we totally don’t. I’m just realizing that we spent a good portion of this episode encouraging you to put yourself in statistically the most dangerous situation you’ll be in during a given week but without offering any help. So, uh, don’t get murdered. Especially since we relaunched our Patreon.
- Douglas Johnson is our guest (@Rose0fthorns)
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Douglas Johnson is and will forever be merely a guest
3 comments on Brainstorm Brewery #222 – How to get murdered by a Craigslist seller
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Amusing but insipid as often the case these days. It’s a no brainer, meet in a super public place. Talk on the phone first. Get a bit instinct feel or read on the situation. Make the other party aware you are bringing other people with you. I’ve positive experiences as have millions of others. Meet in front of the cop shop if your unsure. Never your home, or in your car. It’s all about “opportunity” after all. And don’t die of pneumonia, slip in the tub and kill yourself, or end while texting & driving, all much more likely scenarios.
I was inspired by this episode to check craigslist and I found a dude selling a collection for a lot less that it is worth. I’m going to meet him at a starbucks on Saturday. If I don’t comment here again by Monday, then something horrible happened, please call the authorities.
And now I’m thinking about pouring over anda dozen boxes of bulk and I’m kicking myself for not writing down the last two months of Breaking Bulk cards.
I survived my meet up with the craigslist guy. I purchased the cards and spent two days organizing them. Now I really am kicking myself for not writing down those breaking bulk picks. Still it looks like I’m going to make some small profit on my purchase. Thanks, guys.