Brainstorm Brewery #230 – The Mailbag Edition

As a “thank-you’ to our many new Patreon patrons, we read listener email.  We read questions less than a 12 hours old before moving all the way back questions from last fall; listen and see if we got to yours!

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Jason E Alt – E-mail – TwitterFacebookMTGPrice

Douglas Johnson is and will forever be merely a guest

5 comments on Brainstorm Brewery #230 – The Mailbag Edition

  1. somerandomfanboy says:

    Corbin is the best BDUB shill ever. #MoneyDraught

  2. MissedYouGuys says:

    You might already be aware, because someone commented as much on an earlier episode, but you’ve had another feed failure recently.

    I’m 4 or 5 episodes behind now and haven’t had chance to hear if this was on your radar or not. I thought I’d provide some more detail should you need it anyway. Here’s the failing feed address:

    I’ve updated my app to pull from the feed linked by your website, but I suspect there are people out there who haven’t tried to fix things themselves.

    1. Brainstorm Brewery says:

      Thanks for your message; can you share where you came across that rss feed address?

      1. MissedYouGuys says:

        It took me a while to remember, but I’m guessing it’s from when I signed up to MTG price to get your episodes earlier!

        If that’s the case, then it’s probably only a handful of dedicated listeners who have broken feeds. They’ll search you out like I did not doubt ;)

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