Corbin (@CHosler88), Jason (@jasonEalt), and DJ (@Rose0fThorns) welcome longtime patron of the cast Steve (@StevenMKestner) to discuss all the hype surrounding the new Ravnica Allegiance set, Commander and even the latest Modern Ban.
Make sure to check us out on Youtube because everything is better with video. https://www.youtube.com/user/BrainstormBrewery
- 1:39 Apologize to me!
- 4:33 I am Ironman!
- 11:24 It’s DJ Fault
- 16:17 Breaking Bulk
- 31:33 Rules Advisory Group
- 40:44 Emails
- 53:12 Pick of the Week
- 1:00:26 KCI Banning
- 1:01:27 More Picks of the Week
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