Forced Fruition Episode 6: BTT Draft R/W Heroic

They Might be Heroes Hello and welcome to the sixth installment of Forced Fruition! This week, I’ve brought you another Born-Theros-Theros draft where I find myself with some exciting white and red cards to make up a typical red/white heroic archetype. We get to play with some powerful creatures like [card]Ornitharch[/card], [card]Anax and Cymede[/card], and even the elusive…

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Forced Fruition Episode 4: Jund…

[youtube] What is Red and Black and Green All Over? This week I had the pleasure of entering a Born of the Gods-Theros-Theros draft with my good friend Grant. Together we worked our way through some exciting picks and equally exciting games. Having a second voice to help guide your thoughts is a great…

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