
Deck is Great, Magic is Great, I’m Great: A PPTQ Win Tournament Report

So I just won a PPTQ… Yeah it feels good. It feels better than good actually, it feels fucking great to be one tournament away from a dream I have had for a very long time. Apparently the best way to prepare for a tournament is to have a bunch of friends over have a…

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Just. Play. Jund. …Well sorta.

To quote Todd Anderson, “Just. Play. Jund. Just do it. Stop being an idiot and go pick up the cards you need to play it.” While Todd was speaking about Standard back in 2013 I feel as if this applies more than ever to Modern right now. SCG Columbus Invitational. I’ve been playing Infect for…

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Forced Fruition Episode 11: Stunted Jund

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PLs4gxqbLAAD5XqEP7eLdk_UliPFAkct5e&w=640&h=360] Cube’s Back! Everyone’s favorite online format, the MTGO cube, is back online! Making a blanket statement like that might not be entirely accurate, but you cannot deny that the variety of games and decks generated by the cube is unparalleled in the MTGO universe. This time around, I drafted a Jund deck featuring…

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Forced Fruition Episode 4: Jund…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=videoseries?list=PLs4gxqbLAAD58tis9UZ-pZ7zJueXZtZuJ&w=640&h=360] What is Red and Black and Green All Over? This week I had the pleasure of entering a Born of the Gods-Theros-Theros draft with my good friend Grant. Together we worked our way through some exciting picks and equally exciting games. Having a second voice to help guide your thoughts is a great…

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Josh Milliken – Jund: The Villain is Now the Hero

I knew my fascination with Jund was more than just my unwillingness to move on from Innistrad Standard, but over the course of a month I couldn’t even get a winning record at an FNM with it. And then I realized that I was playing terribly because I was simply burned out on Magic and…

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