It’s not a secret to anyone who knows me that I love Merfolk. Or that anyone who may have heard me say anything in passing knows that I love Merfolk. Or that anyone who has ever had a single limited interaction with me knows I love Merfolk.
I have a good reason, after all. I’ve won several thousands dollars with the deck, from splitting the finals of an SCG Open at my first-ever Legacy tournament and an SCG Invitational after that.
Most people know me as a finance guy, and while that’s true, I like to think I also have some playing chops. The last major tournament I played in was Grand Prix Las Vegas, where I finished in the top 32 of a 4,500-person tournament in which I had zero byes. I’ve made top eight of a few PTQs and had a rating that earned me two byes (back when the system used an ELO score and I played competitively).
I’ve also played Merfolk since the day Modern was announced, so I like to think I know a thing or two about the deck. So for the rest of the article, at least pretend that I’m not a complete idiot.
Merfolk in Modern
Since Modern was created, I’ve been telling people that Merfolk was the best deck, and even though I knew it was a lie, I kept working to improve it. Thanks to the bannings and the new tools we’ve gotten for Fish, it’s actually a little less of a lie these days. Don’t believe me? A Merfolk deck made top 16 of Grand Prix Prague, just missing top eight in the last round.
There’s more. Every week, it seems a new “big name” is talking about it, and the results of this recent Premier Event on Magic Online also lend credence to the deck.
Merfolk also happens to be one of the more budget-friendly decks in the format, which doesn’t hurt it. Yes, [card]Mutavault[/card] is expensive, but most players have it in their Standard decks already, and even if they don’t, it is at least available for trade in many binders. Any deck that doesn’t need [card]Misty Rainforest[/card], [card]Scalding Tarn[/card], or [card]Verdant Catacombs[/card] to play will typically qualify as “budget” in Modern, and that’s not a bad thing at all.
So Why Would Someone Play Merfolk?
Several reasons. First of all, the deck is pretty flexible. You can adapt it based on the matchup: for aggro, add [card]Vapor Snag[/card]s; for Pod/Jund, add [card]Tidebinder Mage[/card]; and for combo, play more copies of [card]Spell Pierce[/card]. There’s also [card]Dismember[/card], which helps against most creature-based decks.
But why is Merfolk just now making a splash? The biggest reason has to be [card]Master of Waves[/card]. I wasn’t a fan of it on paper when it was spoiled, but it happens to do something extremely important for Merfolk that no card has done before: it beats Jund.
It’s not a stretch to say that the card can actually “solo” Jund. I’ve had unimpressive board states, like a single [card]Cursecather[/card] and [card]Spreading Seas[/card], and then slammed this guy and pretty much won on the spot.
The reason it’s so good is because it’s really just in the sweet spot. Making tokens means it can’t really be killed by [card]Liliana of the Veil[/card], a converted mana cost of four means it can’t be [card]Abrupt Decay[/card]ed, and protection from red means nothing in the typical Jund deck (outside of [card]Maelstrom Pulse[/card]) can touch it. Throw in the [card]Bloodbraid Elf[/card] banning from a while back, and suddenly what was your worst matchup is completely winnable.
It’s basically impossible to say that your Modern deck is good these days if it can’t handle Jund or just [card]Deathrite Shaman[/card]. Well, Merfolk can. It also presents a fast enough clock with just enough disruption to handle value decks like Pod or RWU.
You also have the distinct advantage of being an aggro deck that happens to be blue. This means you get access to counterspells that other aggro decks don’t. There’s also that whole islandwalk thing that is relevant in every single game thanks to [card]Spreading Seas[/card], a quirky card that happens to do everything you want it to while also serving as maindeckable hate for the Tron decks.
If you ask somebody who’s not familiar with Merfolk what the best card in the deck is, you’ll stump them for a few minutes before they eventually decide the right answer has to be [card]Aether Vial[/card].
But that’s wrong. The best card, by a mile, is [card]Silvergill Adept[/card]. It does everything you could possibly want to do. It costs two mana for your Vial, doesn’t take double blue to cast, is a Merfolk, and draws you a card. As we know, that last part is one of the most important things any Magic card can have on it, and every time your opponent has to trade a card for your Adept, you’re winning. I feel confident in saying that if Adept wasn’t a card, Merfolk wouldn’t be a deck. Of course, this is coming from the guy with this playmat:
The final piece of the puzzle to Merfolk’s new place in the world is [card]Thassa, God of the Sea[/card]. Another advantage Merfolk has over the other “turn dudes sideways” decks (besides the obvious [card]Aether Vial[/card] benefits) is that Thassa really helps you control your draws in the late game and prevent you from running out of gas.
The List
Before we go any further, here’s my current list:
[deck title=Modern Merfolk]
*4 Cursecatcher
*4 Master of the Pearl Trident
*4 Lord of Atlantis
*4 Silvergill Adept
*1 Sygg, River Cutthroat
*2 Phantasmal Image
*2 Master of Waves
*4 Merrow Reejery
*2 Thassa, God of the Sea
*1 Kira, Great Glass-Spinner
*2 Spreading Seas
*4 Aether Vial
*4 Vapor Snag
*2 Spell Pierce
*3 Mutavault
*3 Cavern of Souls
*14 Island
*2 Spreading Seas
*1 Master of Waves
*1 Spell Pierce
*2 Hurkyl’s Recall
*2 Annul
*2 Threads of Disloyalty
*2 Relic of Progenitus
*1 Tidebinder Mage
*1 Unified Will
*1 Grafdigger’s Cage
The sideboard is obviously dependent on the metagame you’re facing, and mine varies regularly. I don’t play Magic Online, but I’ve tested extensively with this list in paper. For the last three weeks, I’ve taken first or second in a local weekly Modern tournament that averages 15 to 20 players.
Okay, let’s talk some specifics to my list, and I’ll touch on the sideboard at the end.
3 [card]Mutavault[/card]s
I’ll start with what’s probably the biggest head scratcher: the fact I only run three [card]Mutavault[/card]s right now.
Early in playtesting, I found that I would lose way too many games to simply not having access to double blue on turn two. [card]Mutavault[/card] is sweet, but if you can’t cast a lord on turn two, you’re just going to lose the game. I’ve gone up to 20 land from 19 since those games, so it’s possible the fourth would be okay, but I think the theory still holds. Over the course of a long tournament like a Grand Prix, you can’t really afford to lose any games to color screw in your one-color deck.
Here’s another way to look at it: there is a certain percentage of games you’re going to win by having a fourth [card]Mutavault[/card] in the deck; I just think that number is smaller than the games you’re going to lose because you don’t have access to two blue mana on turn two.
3 [card]Cavern of Souls[/card]/0 [card]Ghost Quarter[/card]/0 [card]Tectonic Edge[/card]
This is a metagame call for me. I get that you want a bunch of land destruction if Tron is rampant, but if it’s not, you get a ton more value out of Cavern.
There was one Tron deck in the top eight of GP Prague. There were 21 counterspells in that same top eight, and the winning deck ran eight of them. Extend that down to the top 16 and things become even more skewed toward counterspells.
I’ve tested the RWU matchup extensively, and having access to Cavern means there’s seven cards in your deck that can almost completely blank their counters. If you open on an [card]Aether Vial[/card] or a [card]Cavern of Souls[/card], a lot of the time you’ve effectively made them mulligan to six or even five cards. When their counterspells can’t stop you from developing your board, their point removal just doesn’t go far enough. Add in the fact that [card]Vapor Snag[/card] can allow you to save a lord from a removal spell or the fact that you can sometimes blow them out with a [card]Spell Pierce[/card], and suddenly the matchup is not all that scary.
And it’s not just RWU that runs counters. A lot of the combo decks rely on slowing you down for a turn with them, and the ability to fearlessly cast guys goes a long way toward accomplishing what Merfolk wants to do, which is overload the board quickly and throw in a timely piece of disruption.
1 [card]Sygg, River Cutthroat[/card]
Lists doing well seem to be split 50/50 on this right now, but I’ve been running it for around 18 months and will never cut it. It checks every major checkbox for Merfolk: it’s a two-drop, it has double blue for devotion, and it draws you cards. Since I can’t ignore the financial aspect, I’ll tell you that this could easily be the next Merfolk card to spike, especially since it’s from Shadowmoor.
I’ve heard the argument that Merfolk just wants to be as streamlined as possible and this card doesn’t help with that. I don’t buy it, though, because the point of streamlining your deck is to draw your best cards every game. Well, were I given the option, I would draw Sygg every single game. The problem is that you never, ever want to draw two of them, because it only has one power and is legendary. But I promise you will never be sad to draw this card. It punishes opponents for bolting themselves with lands, it makes their blocking awkward, it blocks plenty of relevant creatures early, and like Silvergill Adept, it keeps the gas coming.
2 [card]Spell Pierce[/card]
Spell Pierce is another one of those cards you don’t really want to see more than one of in a game. It’s great in the right situations or against the right decks, but it’s completely dead against others and can also be really clunky. I’m happy running two along with [card]Cursecatcher[/card] as a disruption suite against combo and control decks.
4 [card]Merrow Reejery[/card]
I include this card just so I can address all the tricks it enables. Remember, its ability triggers on casting, not on entering. So you can cast a Merfolk and get the trigger before it resolves, but you won’t get one from Vialing in a guy. If you have multiple copies on the field, you can actually generate mana with this by stacking the triggers to untap the same land and then tapping it for mana in between the resolution of the triggers. It also allows you to untap Vial or tap down one of your opponent’s blockers.
1 [card]Kira, Great Glass-Spinner[/card]
As the deck tech at the GP talked about, ticking your Vial up to four mana for [card]Master of Waves[/card] can sometimes leave you with a turn where it’s on three mana and it doesn’t do anything. The singleton Kira is a concession to that. With this card, we have seven three-drops that we can drop into play.
2 [card]Master of Waves[/card]
I don’t understand lists that play this as a four-of. It’s a good card, but there are a bunch of matchups where it’s completely irrelevant. You are happy drawing one Master in most matchups to close out the game, but you definitely don’t want to put yourself in a position where you see two of these in the first three turns of the game. How miserable is it to play against [card]Splinter Twin[/card] and see a Master in your first draw step? Two in the main and another in the board for Jund or other midrange decks is where I want to be.
2 [card]Spreading Seas[/card]
I know a lot of people run this as a four-of, and I can’t blame them. If Tron were more prevalent in my area, I could see myself doing that. But to me, this is another card you’re happy seeing one of in a game but don’t always need. It’s too good to not play, but most of the time I’d rather play more dudes in the place of Seas.
0 Two-Mana Counters
I’ve been saying since day one of Modern that [card]Remand[/card] is not where you want to be with Merfolk, and it’s nice to see that people are finally coming around.
Cards like [card]Remand[/card] or [card]Mana Leak[/card] are awesome in Magical Christmasland where you have a turn-one [card]Aether Vial[/card] every game and then just sit back on counterspells, but that’s not how it works in the real world. A lot of the time you have to play hands without Vials, and two-mana counters are about the worst thing imaginable. You’re faced with the decision on turn two of playing a lord or holding up a counterspell, and I’m sure we’d all agree that playing the guy there is correct almost every time.
The problem is turn three. What are you going to do then? You’re either tapping out for a three-drop or playing another two-drop. That’s when Spell Pierce and Vapor Snag are at their best, because that’s the turn where you pull ahead of your opponent by stopping their play while advancing your board. [card]Remand[/card] doesn’t let you do that. You just end up sitting there with an open Island and nothing to do.
Turn four is when your [card]Remand[/card]s would theoretically become good, except that we’re playing a 20- to 21-land deck and hitting four lands by turn four is by no means guaranteed. There’s a huge number of games where you’ll still be staring at a two-drop, a [card]Remand[/card] and three lands on turn four, and you’re going to hate yourself.
So, please, save yourself the trouble and just play [card]Vapor Snag[/card] and [card]Spell Pierce[/card] instead. The one time we actually want two-mana counters is when we need a hard counter against combo decks, and that’s what a sideboard is for.
As I said, this varies quite a bit, and my sideboard is by no means as tight as it could be. I love the [card]Tidebinder Mage[/card], but I used to have more and it’s probably on the way to being cut. It’s a nice card against mono-red or Pod or sometimes Jund, but it’s not really a maindeckable card and a lot of the time you have plenty of other stuff to bring in anyway. I think I’ll end up cutting it for another [card]Unified Will[/card] or [card]Spellskite[/card] or something.
I’m not going to detail every matchup, but I will note that Affinity is very difficult. You can’t really have too much hate for it. [card]Hurkyl’s Recall[/card] is obviously the best, but it can eat up a lot of slots. I started last year with [card]Steel Sabotage[/card], which a lot of people are going back to, but I’ve moved recently to [card]Annul[/card] because you can also bring it in against Splinter Twin to give yourself another one-mana counterspell. Just know that no matter what you do, Affinity is going to be tough.
[card]Relic of Progenitus[/card] is your all-star here, and I’d like to find room for a third, probably by cutting the Cage. Relic is insane against Jund, RWU, Living End, Pod, and probably several other decks I’m forgetting right now. It’s a must-include. Spreading Seas is obviously there for your Tron matchup. The rest should be pretty obvious as well.
Fear the Fish
So there you go, the long-overdue Merfolk primer by the world’s biggest fan of Fish. The deck is powerful, adaptable, affordable, and fun to play. In Modern, that’s all you can ask for, and more than you can say about most decks. It’s a great deck for anyone looking to get into the format, and it scales with the skill of the player playing the deck, since there’s way more thought than just the “turn dudes sideways” approach you may see at first glance.
Any questions, or anything I missed? Let me know!
Thanks for reading,
Corbin Hosler
@Chosler88 on Twitter
P.S. [card]Cosi’s Trickster[/card] is not a real card, nor is [card]Mothdust Changeling[/card] or [card]Aquitect’s Will[/card]. Of these, the most common one people ask about is Trickster. Tell me this: if you open with a hand of [card]Aether Vial[/card] and Trickster, which one are you playing first? I don’t think there’s any way the answer isn’t Vial, but Trickster on turn two is about the most miserable thing you can do. Stick with [card]Cursecatcher[/card] and disruption at one mana and you won’t regret it.
21 comments on A Modern Merfolk Primer from Fish’s Biggest Fan
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What are your thoughts about Coralhelm Commander? I’m very torn between running it or not. It requires a small investment to upgrade from a Bear but it’s also the only merfolk capable of flight and alone has won me games against Affinity.
I like him, but he’s just not necessary to the deck any more. It’s not that he’s bad in most games; we just have better options. You end up giving away information to your opponent if you leave one mana up instead of sinking it into him, and his role of “late-game mana sink and finisher” is less necessary now that Master of Waves and Thassa fill that role.
What do you think about the white splash? Between Wanderwine Hub and Seachrome Coast, the manabase is really good. One of my favorite things about the white splash is the added sideboard options (Stony Silence and Rest in Peace in particular).
It’s worth testing, to be sure. Even though the mana isn’t bad, it’s also just worse than mono-blue. That said, the sideboard options are really good, and who knows, maybe Sejiri Merfolk is good? Worth testing, I think.
Thoughts on Mothdust Changeling to improve the Affinity match up? I forgot who received a deck tech at GP Prague, but the guy said it’s the best 1 drop for Merfolk.
I find running less than 4 Spreading Seas hard to believe. At worst, they make your Merfolk unblockable, and they help you cast your UU spells should you need to use them that way. They also mess up a good majority of Modern mana bases, which tend to be 3 colors.
I really like the aggressive approach you’re taking with the deck.
Thanks! I saw that deck tech, and addressed in the addendum to the article. I hate it. It “improves” your Affinity matchup by a minuscule percentage, and certainly less than Cursecatcher improves your combo/control matchups. Spreading Seas is, of course, really good, and I can’t fault anyone for running four. But there are games you’ll lose because you draw all these non-creature spells and then they bolt your two uys and you’re out of gas. Right now I just like having more dudes, though a third Seas at least, or all four if you’re facing a lot of Tron, can’t be bad.
You have a rather strange list to me with the 2 spreading seas (I snap play 4 online, enough value in color-screwing + cantrip) and the 2 MoWs. I’ve been playing with 4 masters for a couple months (KITTEH online if anyone wants to look up my list) and I don’t think I’d cut more than 1. It brute-forces its way to victory, even in the matchups where it’s not optimal. I tend to keep at least 2 in against twin as ticking a vial up to 4 is reasonable there while keeping up disruption and if you’re alive the turn after it enters play, you win.
I’ll perhaps try shaving one for a sygg at some point though I’m not completely sold on it yet.
I’m also not sold at all on reejery anymore. Yes, it’s another lord. Yes, it sometimes grants evasion. However, it is the card I least want to cast out of all the other alternatives. I’d usually rather have an islandwalking lord coming down for evasion or holding up disruption on t3. I played with 4 pre-MoW and they were the most disliked card in the deck.
Coralhelm has been quite good for me as a late-game mana-sink. Flying is also extremely relevant against affinity, jund/rock, and melira pod. I wouldn’t go more than 2, but I still have found them useful.
Thank you for being a voice of reason as far as the 2cmc counters.
I’m with you on Coralhelm, and that’s why I’ve hated cutting one every time I do it. But it’s just weaker in most games than the other options, and I rarely have a ton of open mana, particularly with Thassa and Master in the deck.
I just can’t get behind four 4-drops in a 20-land deck. Like I said, it’s insane in the right matchups but way too slow in others. Running two has felt like a way to not lose games by drawing too many but still having access to them. I’ve never felt like I need more than one in a match. Try out Sygg in place of a Master, I don’t think you’ll regret it.
There’s no way you can cut Reejery, though. Some games it’s meh, but the games where you get to untap with it and then dump 3 guys on the table by untapping your lands wins the game.
I get that I may be running a more aggressive slant of the deck, but I feel like you’re hurting yourself the more you slow down your aggro deck. Yes, we can go long, but at the heart we’re a deck looking to curve out on people with a little bit of disruption to lock down the game. That’s why I like my card advantage engines to sit at 2 mana like Sygg rather than 4 like Master.
I’ve never understood why this deck doesn’t run fetch lands I know that it preserves life totals but if youre the aggro deck drawing gas early is important. I played this before rtr so I guess the main point now is it doesn’t fed deathrite but at the same time you thin the deck and help to keep drawing gas I’m not saying 8 but 4 seems to improve draws.
This was very good and helpful! You should join us over at the MTG Salvation Merfolk thread! It’s almost 200 pages long, and the discussion is frequent and lively. Here’s the link to the first page (which is now super outdated) of the thread. http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=397477
Have you ever done a primer on legacy fish?
I am a new merfolk player, but I am quickly falling in love With the deck.
I Would like to hear more about your thougts on the new unbanning.
My take on the deck is that merfolk is getting a new though matchup against the zoodecks that Will hit the battlefield hard and fast…
My reflektions are that the With splas might be a good way to deal With the new metagame…
I Would gladely read your thougts about how the merfolks coped in the next protour…
@boris, your concerns may be a good reasonwhy the crack about sejiri merfolk may be actually serious advice
Deck list update ?
Probably the best Fish primer i’ve read. Good job! Have you tried making one for legacy. I would like to hear your thoughts about it. Thanks. keep it up
You really did an awesome primer. I took a lot of your thought in consideration modifying my Merfolk and it is really doing very well since then. Especially the 1 mana counters are a great choice.
A new decklist update would be great. Especially the SB is a big challenge, since there are so many choices.
What do you think about Gut Shot and Dismember?
I’m going to be honest: I have zero testing post-Cruise, and if everything is going to be Delvers, Gut Shot could be a lot better than some of the previous tech for Pods and such. I’m predicting a Cruise ban, so that would shake things up again.
Hi Corbin,
as expected the meta shifted a lot to UR Delver and for this I boarded 2 Gut Shots in my SB. They have done a great job at the GPT Madrid. I had 3 games against UR Delver and made a 2-1 in games against them. I am also waiting for the Cruise ban :)
Next I thought about testing Chalice of the Void. By this amount of UR Delver and also a lot of Burn in the Meta right now, and for this you can get a really powerful weapon if you only leave it with 1 charge counter. Did you ever playtest this?
By the way, I also tried for the first time Sygg, River Cutthroat (therefor I cut a MoW) and it really worked out quite well. But still I cannot image running not 4 Spreading Seas.
Hi Corbin,
just wanted to know if you got any chance already to test post Cruise? Lists are varying a lot at the moment. Somehow feel now of cutting Spreading Seas from a playset to a 2 off or even run them anymore only in the SB. Since Pod is coming up now also more and more I thought maybe replacing the Seas directly with Tidebinder Mage in the Maindeck.
Also filled my SB finally up with Chalice of the Void which in the first moment seems to perform quite well. With them in the SB I even decided to cancel all my Affinity hate out of it (including 2 Annul and 2 Steel Sabotage)
Would be great to have some news from you, since you still run the best primer since fish are swimming in Modern.
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