Ray’s the rookie, Jeskai Ascendancy continues to evolve, and Commander (2014 Edition) is the stones. Sometimes, everything is right in the world and you start firing on all cylinders. With a few topics to cover, the gang got right into it. Who’s the real diva on the cast? What’s the rarity on Jason’s Pick of the Week, and who gets it wrong? How long has it been since the gang read an e-mail? Find out the answer to all of these questions and more on an episode of your favorite podcast that will leave you asking, “What does “take the piss” mean?” Join us for Brainstorm Brewery.
- Jeskai Ascendancy continues to evolve.
- Pick of the Week is a real barn burner this week.
- Finance 101 comes in the form of listener e-mails.
- What to do about Commander (2014)?
- It sounds like not a lot happened because of the few bullet points, but it’s fine.
- Questions? Concerns? E-mail brainstormbrew at gmail dot com.
Cabe Riseau produced the intro and outro music for Brainstorm Brewery.
Contact Us!
Brainstorm Brewery – Website – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook
Ryan Bushard – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook
Corbin Hosler – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook – QuietSpeculation
Jason E Alt – E-mail – Twitter – Facebook – QuietSpeculation