Pitt Imps Podcast #100 You Will Be Missed Ryan

Welcome to Pitt Imps #100. Holy crap. We got here. In this episode, we celebrate the show, the listeners, and Ryan. This being his last episode with us as a permanent host created a very touching moment which we quickly snuffed out. We answered questions from the listeners, and Angelo, unknown to the other hosts, put in a drinking game. Every time Angelo says, “I feel ya,” you drink. Good luck getting to the end if you choose to play. Angelo plots the next two-year vision of what he perceives the show will become and how you guys can help him reach his vision. A bunch of other podcasters jumped on to help us celebrate this occasion and Chris Lanci (posse member) sent us all a nice cigar to smoke during the celebration. Pitt Imps will now be taking a brief hiatus during the holidays and maybe an extra week. From all of us to all of you Happy Holidays. Don’t die on New Years Eve please.

Host  Angelo  @Ganksuou

Co-Host Ryan  @brotheryan

Co-Host Will   He don’t do the Twitter thing.


Show Email  [email protected]

Special Thanks to (in order of appearance) Chewie  @TheManaPool   Find him on MNM, The Mana Pool, and TMP News Jack LaCroix   @jacklacroix   Find him on MNM, Not Another Magic Podcast, and MTGBroDeals.com Jon Celso   @BalduvianBears  Find him on Tap’N’Sac and a writer on MTGBrodeals.com Calvin Layfield   @Zero_Layfield    Find him on Direct Damage Cast on zerofortitude.com Kaesi Corne   @GirlOnNerds   Find her on Direct Damage Cast on zerofortitude.com Marcel  @MarcelMTG  Find him Brainstorm Brewery Cast on BrainstormBrewery.com Matty   @MattyStudios  Find him on the Heavy Meta Podcast on manadeprived.com David Moline  @raginggumby   Find him on the Heavy Meta Podcast on manadeprived.com TSG   @TristanGregson  Find him on the Heavy Meta Podcast on manadeprived.com Ryan Bushard  @CryppleCommand  Find him on Brainstorm Brewery Cast and as a writer at Gatheringmagic.com Jason Alt   @JasonEAlt    Find him on Brainstorm Brewery Cast, Money Draught, and as a writer for QuietSpeculation.com Houston   @TNSGingerAle  Find him on Tap’N’Sac Podcast on TapNSac.com

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