This is our time to shine. You shoulod think coverage when you think Pitt Imps and this is a PT weekend. Nothing could be better in my eyes. We sit and watch all 3 days of coverage just so you don’t have to and relay exactly what happened to you guys. Sure it takes a while but its so worth it. A few news tidbits showed up during the games so we cover all of that because if not it woulod be some sort of sick Conspiracy. See what I did there? Ha! Anyway we was blessed to have the last member of the Pitt Imps Posse to get a shot at guest hosting do an amazing job helping us out with this. Our guest was Mike Hardy.
Host – Angelo Twitter – @ganksuou
Co-Host Ryan Twitter – @brotheryan
Guest Host Mike Twitter – @Mhardy1987
Show Email [email protected]
Conspiracy Video
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