
Forced Fruition Episode 12: Tribal Cube Angels

[youtube] Divine Favor This week I’m pleased to welcome my good friend Jan (pronounced “Yawn,” he’s a dude) to the show to help take me through an MTGO Cube draft! As the title indicates, we wound up with most of the angel cards in the cube and played them to great success. This week…

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Forced Fruition Episode 11: Stunted Jund

[youtube] Cube’s Back! Everyone’s favorite online format, the MTGO cube, is back online! Making a blanket statement like that might not be entirely accurate, but you cannot deny that the variety of games and decks generated by the cube is unparalleled in the MTGO universe. This time around, I drafted a Jund deck featuring…

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Forced Fruition Episode 9: Black Sheep Wall

[youtube] Food for Thought If I were to describe this draft with one phrase: Staying Alive. Right from the get go, our strategy started to form, mostly due to a couple sheepish picks that wound up dictating the rest of our draft. Adding in the Journey pack to this format helps even out the…

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Forced Fruition Episode 8: Grixis Cube Adventure

[youtube] Magic is Difficult And I have a lot to learn. If you’ve been following the series, you’re aware of this fact. I won’t try to hide it—there it is, out in the open. My friend Cory is a much better Magic player than I, so I enlisted his help to run through another…

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Forced Fruition Episode 7: Devotion to Cube

[youtube] Intro Cube drafting as a format is wonderful because you get to make all kinds of crazy things happen. You get to play with powerful cards that span the entirety of Magic and use them to crush your opponents mercilessly. This week on Forced Fruition, join me as I power through an un-powered cube…

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Forced Fruition Episode 6: BTT Draft R/W Heroic

They Might be Heroes Hello and welcome to the sixth installment of Forced Fruition! This week, I’ve brought you another Born-Theros-Theros draft where I find myself with some exciting white and red cards to make up a typical red/white heroic archetype. We get to play with some powerful creatures like [card]Ornitharch[/card], [card]Anax and Cymede[/card], and even the elusive…

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Forced Fruition, Episode 5: Sealed PTQ Practice

[youtube] ‘Tis the Season It’s that time of year when we get to play Sealed PTQs. The format has its upsides and downsides and you’re certainly going to increase your odds of winning by practicing as much as possible. I like Sealed because it evens the playing field to a degree by emphasizing deckbuilding….

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Forced Fruition Episode 3: Down the Drain

[youtube] Today’s Lesson The third installment of Forced Fruition takes us on a journey of discovery and trying to slow roll our way to victory. In this BNG-THS-THS draft, a theme of slowly draining our opponent quickly develops out of pack one. We employ some drafting strategy to fill out the rest of our…

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