Join us for part two of our special two-part extravaganza that will be your definitive guide to trading and buying at the prerelease this weekend. Every Rare and Mythic is evaluated to bring you the entire gang’s views on whether or not these Rares will be bulk when Dragon’s Maze comes out. You won’t want to miss either exciting installment of the only financial podcast on the web.
Which card made Jason say he’d rather open a booster pack with 4 Uncommons? How many crabs are in Gatecrash? Will Marcel ever get to finish a sentence? What card did Ryan call at $4, derailing the entire cast? Will Corbin find time to talk about his Modern Allies beatdown deck he’s been brewing (I’ll give you a freebie, no he will not)? Find out all this and more when the gang does Gatecrash on a very special two part prerelease primer that just may be good enough to be considered for inclusion in the Library of Congress. Join us for another exciting installment of Brainstorm Brewery.
- Ryan starts us out by getting something important off his chest that stems from how he developed as a person and how he views his accomplishments as a disabled person. Ever an unconventional person, Ryan’s views may surprise you at first, but Brainstorm Brewery lets him speak his piece and get his views out there.
- It wouldn’t be an episode of Brainstorm Brewery if the gang didn’t let Corbin and Jason have it for their impulse buy of hundreds of copies of Master of the Pearl Trident. You won’t want to miss the rub-ins as Ryan lists off the creature types that have more creatures in the set than there are Merfolk. The answers may surprise you, but Corbin’s reaction probably won’t. Did the gang discover a new twitter hashtag?
- The drama resolved, the gang delves right into the cards from Gatecrash. What’s bulk? What’s overpriced? What’s not getting the attention it deserves? The gang doesn’t always agree, but both sides make persuasive cases. Who do you side with? Find out which Brewery members agree with your picks and make sure you’ve heard both sides before you decide what to pick up at the prerelease.
- Part 2 of the special episode will be released later this week. The gang will finish up their review of the Mythics and Rares of Gatecrash so you go to your prerelease with your binder loaded for bear, ready to pick up all the hot singles.
Contact Us!
Brainstorm Brewery – website – email – twitter – facebook
Ryan Bushard – email – twitter – facebook – gatheringmagic.com
Corbin Hosler – email – twitter – facebook – quitespeculation.com
Jason E Alt – twitter – quitespeculation.com
10 comments on Brainstorm Brewery #38 – Gatecrash Set Review part 2
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you guys lost all credibility in my eyes with this set review. domri rade hits 50? aurelias fury 5-10? aurelia 5$ card? so when you are all completely wrong on every major pick in this set will you do a podcast where you eat crow? or just go on podcasting about how great you are at card eval/specing?
gideon is bulk
domri rade is 8
aurelia is 12
fury is 25-30 (will spike higher once u/w/r with geist hits the scene)
all prices are where they’ll settle once modo set redemption hits. between release and then anything can spike and fall but thats where they’ll end up.
we’ll see who’s right.
Fury is not the card you think it is, $8-10 card. As far a Domri, I believe Ryan said a possible $50 weekend price, Liliana was $75 at one point if you remember.
You guys lost all credibility in my eyes with this set review. Sphinx’s Revelation Hits $35? Lotleth Troll $5? Vraska $8? So when you are all completely wrong on every major pick in the set will you do a podcast where you eat crow? Or just go on podcasting about how great you are at card eval/specing?
Sphinx’s Revelation is bulk
Lotleth Troll is $20
Vraska is $30 (will spike higher once GB control with Abrupt Decay hits the scene)
all prices are where they?ll settle once modo set redemption hits. between release and then anything can spike and fall but thats where they?ll end up.
we?ll see who?s right.
a 2 year old practices mimicry
i bought 40 sphinx rev @4$ predicted lotleth troll to bottom out at 4 and thought vraska was absolute trash from day 1 so…
Hmm, Jason should be start eating crows now that Aurelia’s Fury took down the Pro Tour, gawd that card is sooooo oppressive. I dunno how we doubted the power of the Fury and maindeck Geists. This anon guy even had Reckoner as one of his top pick, we need to get him on the show. I mean we need to give him our show, he’s too good.
New listener, checked you guys out because of Reddit link.
I’m not looking to bash you guys unfairly, because I’m sure you all have made plenty of good calls but I had two major issues with the podcast and your calls.
1. You guys talk over each other way too much and are seemingly not using software that allows your voices to be mixed separately, end result making it all sound very muffled and overlapped. Tough to listen to.
2. Evaluating things as Bulk or Not-Bulk is pretty disingenuous considering that many of the cards you guys shout out as Bulk so quickly will end up in the $4-$10 range….which is very much not bulk.
Thanks for the cast, I’ll listen to another episode before I pass too much judgement. Take care.
You think cards we called bulk will end up $10? Really? Armada Wurm is $5, Abrupt Decay is $5, Lotleth Troll is $5, but you think cards we called bulk will end up $10? I don’t even know how to respond.
Will a sealed Rise of the Eldrazi booster box be worth a lot in the future?