“Top quality financial information and innovative deck brewing!”
Finance Corner
— Pre-Release weekend happened at it was eventful for all the hosts, listen in to their adventures.
— Love it or hate it, the premium Helvaults created quite the stir within the community.
— Pro Tours are being pushed back until after a set is released on MODO, also the MODO release will come a week sooner, Marcel can hardly contain himself!
— Large 3rd sets in a block will become more prevalent in Magic’s future, the host weigh-in on the ramifications and how it will affect prices.
— Star City Games changes their Open Series event, increasing the prize pool while also increasing the entry fee, how will this effect SCG events when it comes to trading?
Brew Pub
— Marcel has two new brews, a UW Restoration Angel/Cloudshift deck and a Naya Humans deck, both are powerful and fun to play with.
— Marcel talks about @Smi77y‘s Kamikazi Zombies deck, which is a cool and interesting deck to play with using Blood Artist and Killing Wave
What’s It Worth?
— Entreat the Angels, Temporal Mastery, Tibalt, the Fiend-Blooded, Bonfire of the Damned, Terminus, & Zealous Conscripts
Altered Card of the Week
— Bruce Banner / Hulk by Julie White
Contact Us!
Brainstorm Brewery – website – email – twitter – facebook – youtube – rss – itunes
Ryan Bushard – email – twitter – facebook – gatheringmagic.com
Corbin Hosler – email – twitter – facebook – quitespeculation.com